July 2019


Meeting Minutes July 12, 2019


LPOAC was called to order at 6:40p.m.

Pledge of Allegiance / treasure report on agenda – last month’s meeting minutes read/approved.

Welcome new couple to meeting.


Old business

  1. Jeff Laybourne talked about the Predator derby. Good fish caught. Lower attendance than expected, but the stormy weather was a big part.
    1. Jeff will collect reports and get fish pictures to be posted.
    2. Would having a youth division be beneficial? Discussion – not sure having a youth division would have made a difference.
    3. Open discussion on a date for next year. To be determined.
  2. Calvin Nolan talked about the Veteran & First Responders fishing day. We had four boats to accommodate nine participants.  A good time was had by all.  Calvin will get photos and have Jeff update the webpage and FB.
    1. A second Veterans and First Responders trip is being planned:
      1. for Saturday, October 19th at 6:30 a.m.
      2. Need to set a calendar invite – reminder on website and FB.
    2. Freezer placement
      1. MacDonald’s – Club will purchase a freezer for Gary but put on hold for now. Gary wants to continue using the freezer he has and will put a lock on it during the derby until the freezer gives up the ghost.
      2. Holiday Sores – Club still needs to purchase.


New business

  1. Ralph’s derby – October 5,6. Chad Cadnum is doing the whole derby.  We as a club could possibly volunteer if they would like us to help.
  2. Fall posters will be designed and put out for finalization so we can get them distributed and posted.
  3. Emailing electronic newsletter –
    1. Steve Pelsma will work with Jeff Laybourne to get something sent to our members.

50/50 was $30 with a $15 split, was donated back to the club. Calvin donated a couple lures and a club hat were put in for the meeting drawing.


Put on next agenda – It was suggested that we order club tank tops.


Adjourned by Jeff & Scott at 7:20 p.m.. The next general meeting will be at 6:30p.m. August 9, 2019 at JD’s Hall, Bayview.    Minutes by:  Dawn   Board meeting held at the Wheel at 5:30 prior to the general meeting.