Meeting Minutes August 9, 2019
LPOAC was called to order at 6:40p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance / treasure report on agenda – last month’s meeting minutes read/approved.
Welcome new attendees to the meeting.
Old business
- Fall Derby:
- Weigh Masters – how many, how much should they be paid, set of procedures that all of them need to follow and be consistent.
- How many – one per each weigh station with hours being from 9AM. to 5PM. We need to check with the business that will have our freezers to see what their hours are.
- A late weigh station – suggested Oddie’s and possibly MacDonald’s. Late stations to be manned by a board member from 5PM to 8PM
- Weigh Masters – how many, how much should they be paid, set of procedures that all of them need to follow and be consistent.
- Payment was talked about, but amount was not decided.
- Weigh Master must be present when the boat arrives to doc and all passengers aboard must show a derby ticket. If they are not fishing, they must provide a driver license so they can be checked to see if they hold a valid fishing license. If they do, they must have a derby ticket otherwise the fish turned in will be disqualified.
- Once the fish arrives and is in the hands of the weigh master, the angler will not get it back, not even for pictures. They must take their pictures prior to weigh in. Once the fish is seized, it is the property of the weigh master until it is bummed or until the award ceremony.
- All anglers on a vessel MUST have a derby ticket.
- The weigh master will have the fish placed on the board first, and then on the scale.
- Putting these rules into effect for the Fall Derby will set precedents for future derbies. Keep them all the same.
- We received our permit for the Fall Derby.
- Jeff Laybourne needs to contact and get the sheriff permit.
- Esau Clauson will fill out the sponsor form for the Avista money.
- We had our first person who would like to become a weigh master for the Fall Derby – Thank you Anne DuPont.
- Again, we talked about putting a cap on the ticket sales for the future if it shows to become a problem with too many anglers / boats. We believe that we can keep control as to not hurt the fishery and become like what happen at Kootenai Lake in Canada.
- We will only pay 3 places in the Fall Derby.
- The youth will follow the same rules that we have had in the past with the ruler and photo.
- We will stay with the 31-inch fish to place and tail pinch for adults.
- If youth weigh a fish, the process will be the same.
- The Awards date and time had already been set from a previous meeting, Saturday, November 5th at 5PM.
- We added starting a potluck at 4PM prior to the award ceremony.
- Reiterated the date for the Fall auction, it is set for the Tuesday night prior to the derby. October 29th at JD’s hall.
- Doug Sheldon picked up all the scales at the meeting to take them and have them state certified.
- Calvin Nolan reiterated the Veteran & First Responders fishing day. Saturday, October 19th at 6:30 a.m. This will be a good pre-fish for the derby.
- We should set up a waiver.
- Need to set a calendar invite – reminder on website and FB.
- Other community service suggestions – MW in Fairchild, the Spring clean-up days.
- Sponsors
- Picked up check from Fins and Feathers and they will also donate to the Fall Auction. Thank you, Jeff and Jordan Smith!
- Received a sponsorship check from Hecla Montana. Thank you, Hecla for your sponsorship!
50/50 was $60 with a $30 split, Chris Reminington was our lucky winner. We also need to thank Chris for his donation of three apexes for donation for some drawing gifts.