How to Identify Bull Trout

Bull trout have been closed to harvest to help protect and restore populations.  Any bull trout caught must be released immediately.  Therefore, it is important that anglers can correctly identify bull trout.  Although bull trout can be confused with other fish, they are easily identified with a little practice.  The information below will help you learn how to identify bull trout.

You can tell if a trout is a bull trout by knowing two simple things.  Bull trout have:

  1. A dark body with light spots and
  2. NO black or gray markings in the dorsal fin

Look at the trout below. Note how the trout has 1) a dark body with light spots and 2) no black or gray markings in the dorsal fin. Therefore, it is a bull trout and must be released.

How to identify a Bull Trout



IDFG - identify Bull TroutBull Trout – NO HARVEST ALLOWED
Olive green with brown above and on sides, shading to white on belly. Lacks wormlike markings as in BROOK TROUT. Upper body with yellow spots, sides with red or orange spots. No bluish halos around spots and white borders on fins less distinct than in BROOK TROUT. Tail is slightly forked.


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